The Women’s Assembly Camp 2022 and #PatrickMustFall
From the 5th to the 8th of August 2022, members of the women's assembly were convened in an educational camp held in Simon's Town, Cape Town to discuss issues of race, class, gender and power. August 7th : Xoliswa shares her story in a group acti
Food Security and Nutrition
This workshop focused on questions of nutrition and building alternative food systems such as community gardens and “people’s bakeries”. Dr. Chantal Witten shared insights on nutrition - how in maternity and through the formative years of a chi
Cuban Ambassador’s Visit: Discussing Food Sovereignty and Women’s Health
This joint assembly included the Land Occupiers forum. Those attending this workshop prepared and presented on questions of food sovereignty and women’s health with the Cuban Ambassador, presenting key concerns and questions for Cuban and South Afr
Food, Health and Power: Food Insecurity, Systems, Value Chain and Monopolies
This workshop focused on the issue of food insecurity, hunger and poverty as a lived reality for the women attending the women’s assembly workshops. This program looked at different models of survival in food insecure contexts with the women engagi
Violence, Safety and Community
This workshop focused on the question: Where are we safe and what makes us feel safe? The women focused on their homes, communities and the greater national context to outline what makes them feel safe. Issues like drug violence, domestic abuse and t
Introducing the Women’s Assembly of 2022
Tshisimani held space in collaboration with the Bonteheuwel Development Forum to extend the space of the Women’s Assembly to working class women’s organisations across the Cape Flats. Through a program of engagement, discussion and sharing women
Dr Sarah Henkeman reflects on visible and invisible violence
In this one day workshop with Dr Sarah Molatane Henkeman the Women's Assembly including women in organisations from Delft, Bonteheuwel, Phillipi, Khayelitsha and Heideveld, reflect on what the structures of violence mean to them and what can be seen