Women’s Day Celebration & Jerusalema Challenge – 9 August 2020

The women held a socially distanced Women’s day celebration which reflected on the year passed but also allowed for a restructuring of the labour which supports their newly established community gardens. In a social auction the women exchanged seco

Psychological Support with IHOM & Lydia Cairncross – July 2020

This session responded to the psychological concerns raised in the previous session and drew in the assistance of the Institute for Healing of Memories (IHOM) to run a session on care and community activism. This was followed by a session on “Flatt

Planning around out futures – July 2020

This particular session was met with lots of rain and held in Henrietta’s home in Bonteheuwel. The core basis of this session was to draw out the educational needs that Tshisimani should provide for the remaining period of the year. Here the women

Screen Printing – June 2020

The need to identify themselves as the BDF within the community became more and more of a necessity as being apart of the kitchens provided some level of protection and ability to move around in order to fulfill the tasks related to the soup kitchens

Sewing & Protecting our communities – June 2020

As the kitchens evolved and grew two immediate needs emerged. The first was the need for cloth and protective masks and the second was a broader political discussion about violence under hard lockdown. The increased presence of police and military wh

Welcome and Food Economy – May 2020

The hard lockdown meant changes for the organizing principles of the Bonteheuwel Development Forum. The economy of food and feeding became central to their mandate and the women gathered over the collective need to run extensive soup kitchens feeding